Mar 9 2025

Medical Mycology



Mycology Laboratory (General)

(Skin and visceral fungal infections)

-Professor & Staff
-Head: Dr. Seyed Jamal Hashemi,  Ph.D. in Medical Mycology (   Professor)
-Dr Heidar Bakhshi;  Ph.D. in Medical Mycology (researcher)
-Dr Hasti Kamali;  Ph.D. in Medical Mycology 
-Leila Hosseinpour; MSc in Biology

-Zeinab Borjian;  MSc in Medical Mycology
- Laboratory phone number :+982142933141

  Laboratory responsibilities



- Practical education for Ph.D. students Masters Medical mycology and medical students, dentistry, Midwifery, Microbiology, Laboratory Sciences, and Nursing

- Train foreign students

- Providing educational slides for the holding of mycological workshops for medical groups




- Implementing advanced research projects in the field of mycology in the form of Ph.D. theses and master's degree

- Collaboration with other research centers inside and outside the country

- Maintaining fungal strains under cryo and in-vitro conditions





- Laboratory diagnosis of all types of cutaneous and visceral fungal     infections in patients referred from hospitals and health centers to the laboratory




Mycology Laboratory (fungal infections serology)

Professor & Staff

-Head: Dr. Roshanak Daei Ghazvini, Ph.D. in  Medical Mycology (Professor)
-Pegah Ardi; MSc in Medical Mycology

-Laboratory phone number : +982142933150

Laboratory responsibilities



-Practical education of mycology for Ph.D. Students Masters for Ph.D. students Masters Medical   mycology and medical students, dentistry, Midwifery, Microbiology , Laboratory Sciences and       Nursing
-Train foreign students
-Elaboration of experimental research on laboratory animals
-Implementation of training seminars by undergraduate students in laboratory sciences



-Implementation of advanced research projects in the field of immunology, serology and drug   hypersensitivity patterns of mycology in the form of form PhD theses and master's degree

-Collaborate on conducting research projects



-Serologic diagnosis of infections caused by cryptococcus neoformance with  latex agglutination
-Serologic diagnosis of  Aspergillus
Detection of galactomannan antigen in serum and BAL in high risk patient’s to invasive   aspergillosis
Implementing research projects in field of mycotoxins.










Molecular Cell Biology Laboratory of Parasitology and Mycology

Professor & Staff
-Head: Dr Sasan Rezaei,  Ph.D. in  Medical Mycology (Professor)
-Dr. Sadegh Khodavaisy,  Ph.D. in  Medical Mycology (Assistant   Professor)
-Mohammad Reza Safari (supervisor of laboratory)
-Azar Berahme ( Laboratory expert)
-Laboratory phone number:+982188008588

Laboratory responsibilities



-Practical education of mycology for Ph.D. Masters students, especially in Medical mycology   and medical parasitology, dentistry, Midwifery, Microbiology of Food, Laboratory Sciences and   Nursing
-Training international students


-Ph.D. and Master's thesis and research projects in molecular fields of mycology and parasitology
-Cooperation with other research centers of Tehran University of Medical Sciences and other medical universities of Iran


-Molecular detection of various types of fungal infections
-Investigation of antifungal properties associated with disinfectants
