Monday Dec 23 2024

School of Public Health

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Dissertation defense for Master degree for Miss. Somaye Nori

Dissertation defense for Master degree for Miss. Somaye Nori

Dissertation defense for Master degree for Miss. Somaye Nori, was performed entitled: “Predictors of adherence to standard precautions in preventing needle stick injuries among the personnel of Sanandaj teaching hospitals, Sanandaj city” on Monday, January 11, 2021.

 Research Committee Meeting

Research Committee Meeting

The research committee of Health Education and Health Promotion department took place virtual to assess the proposed title of Miss Ahmadi, one of Msc. Student of the Department.

Human schistosomiasis in Ethiopia

Human schistosomiasis in Ethiopia

Student seminar, Presenter: Younas Yimam, Ph.D. International student in Medical Parasitology. Supervisor: Prof.A.Farahnak

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